While we understand that everyone would like to work when it’s most convenient for them, the reality of our business is that 60% of it occurs on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday — getting ice cream is a treat, and people tend to treat themselves more after their workweek is done. So those are the days we need our team members available to work. If you regularly go away with friends or family on weekends during the summer, it’s going to be extremely hard for you to convince us that this is the right job for you.
Parents: A first job is a pretty big deal and we take it very seriously. It’s the first glimpse at “real life” responsibility and we are devoted to make a wonderful first impression of the working world. With that being said, please let your son/daughter take the initiative – you should not be filling out an application or inquiring about any details for them. We want to hear their thoughts, opinions, and see their personality. If you want your child to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibilities on their shoulders and you will see them flourish.
In order to work here you’ll need (once you’re hired):
To provide an I9 form, showing that you’re legally eligible to work in the USA.
To provide a W-4 form, with your social security number, so that we can pay you and withhold the appropriate taxes.
If you’re under 18 years old, you’ll also need:
Permission from your parent or guardian (before you apply!)
A working permit from your school or town (once you’re offered a position).
We don’t hire through parents! When a parent comes to the store to ask us if we’re hiring, because their son or daughter needs a job, we consider that “strike one”. If a young adult really wants to work, we figure they’d be here applying themselves, right?
Don’t tell us you want to work here because “it looks like a fun/easy job”, or because “you like to eat ice cream”. While we hope it’s fun, and we don’t mind our team tasting an occasional treat, those are side benefits, not qualifications. And it’s definitely not “easy”! We want team members who want to work as part of a team, do their fair share of the work and help us make our business the best we can make it.
So…having read all of that, do you still want to apply? Great! You can apply by printing off an application HERE and then emailing the completed application to krasakove@gmail.com or you can fill out the form below.
Note: We put a lot of weight on how this application is filled out in making our hiring decisions. Answer all of the questions, especially the last one – if your application is incomplete you will not be hired. Also, if we suspect that a parent or someone other than the applicant filled out and/or submitted this application, we will not consider it.